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What We Do

We create quality, curated gift boxes, intended to give someone special a meaningful gift from the heart.

Gift of the Present was inspired by what it is to both feel the joy of giving and receiving, connection to one another and the importance of living in the present.

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Local & Canadian Sourced Products

Mindful Gifts with Intention

Natural & Eco-conscious Options

Local & Canadian Sourced Products

Mindful Gifts with Intention

Natural & Eco-conscious Options

Mindful Gifts with Intention

Gift of the Present intentionally selects products that will inspire moments of mindfulness and encourages recipients to take time for themselves, because we know that being present is the greatest gift of all. Whether you are celebrating a special occasion, wanting to share your gratitude, or uplifting someone’s spirits, we are here to make all those moments as unique and special as you are.

Featuring Local & Canadian Products

Gift of the Present is proud to offer gifts that feature local and Canadian products. Supporting the talented artists, craftsmen and businesses in our own backyard while bringing your vision to life.

Specializing in All Natural & Eco-conscious Options

We specialize in all-natural and Eco-conscious options. At Gift of the Present everything from the packaging we use, the vendors we select and even the electric car that we use for deliveries are taking steps to reduce our carbon footprint. As we grow, we hope to expand our list of Eco-conscious vendors and options to better serve us all.

With Sincere Gratitude and Thanks

We sincerely thank you for trusting us to be a part of this special moment with you. We look forward to building your custom gift with gratitude and love and sharing our presence and connection with you.

What Our Customers Are Saying

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